LMV- part 4

teen couple, originally uploaded by bearpa.

Two days after I skipped school the first time, I asked my mom if I could stay home from school because I felt sick. I can’t remember the symptoms but I was honestly feeling under the weather. In hind-sight I did not know the difference between sickness and stress. My mom use to assign me a chore to complete when I stayed home from school, I think it was to keep me from playing sick like I got caught doing one time when I was eight. This time she took pity on me and told me to take it easy. I put my feet up on the couch and had the remote in hand when our house phone rang. Assuming it was my mom I raced to pick up the phone; it was Dean, my boyfriend. I was shocked that he would call me at this time, I was usually in school, he asked me what I was doing and I told him just watching TV. He asked if he could come over but I said no; I would get in so much trouble if my mom caught you over here. He insisted saying that his friend was driving so he could not stay long, and he just really wanted to see me. I could not resist and I was eager to see him too so I said OK.

Dean me showed up with his friend and I gave him a big hug. I asked them to come in and to sit but Dean grabbed me and started kissing me. I loved it, I loved him and he loved me. I felt a little uncomfortable with his friend there but I knew that I would not have many opportunities to see him so I just hoped his friend would be okay. A few minutes later I heard his friend grab his keys and head for the door. Panic started to set in; I knew that without his friend present we’d have sex again; how would Dean get home? I tried to tell his friend to stop; I knew it was time for Dean to go but every time I tried to talk he would just pull me closer and kiss me harder. I felt scared and elated at the same time and my efforts to stop his friend were probably at 70%.

As soon as I heard the door close I knew that was all she wrote. I’m sure there was some foreplay involved but it was not long before we started having sex. We had a lot of chemistry and there was no stopping us, until I remembered that my mom usually came home for lunch. I pushed him off of me and insisted that he put his clothes back on. I was cured, whatever ailed me before was gone and was replaced with happiness and sexy thoughts. We talked and held hands and the phone rang; my mom was checking in on me. How are you feeling she asked, “Better” I replied. She said that was good because she had some errands to run on her lunch break and that she would not be able to come home. I looked at my boyfriend repeated what she said so that he could understand why I had a big grin on my face. I told her not to worry about me and that I would see her when she got home from work. I think it took us less than a minute to remove each other’s clothes and start again.

I did not have a thought in my head; I just let go of the shyness and the guilt as we held each other. I experienced it as freedom and being comfortable in your own skin. We were still at it when I thought I heard something.

Originally uploaded by Boccacino
My boyfriend insisted that it was nothing and that I should keep going, until we both heard the door open and we fled to the basement. My mom was home and our clothes were the first the thing she saw when she came in the door. She called my name loudly and I came out of hiding naked as a jay bird. She looked at me and asked, “Where is he”. I told her he was in the basement; she had never met him and didn't know who he was. She told me to go get him so I scoped up our clothes and proceeded to get dressed with him in a dark corner. To be honest we laughed in the process, why not? If you know your life is over you should enjoy the little bit you have left...


LazyKing said...

LMV seems to be very interresting but I'm still afraid of reading them.

3L said...

It's okay Lazy : ) I understand. Only read what you feel comfortable reading.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap!!! My mom would kill me if she came home and I was having the sex with m boyfriend. During the summers, one of my boyfriends would come over and we'd play around alot- never got caught thankfully. And we had an escape route planned too.

3L said...

Yes I was really lucky. Every time I think of this time I have to apologize profusely to her. I can only image what that must have been like.

LazyKing said...

hahahah I can't believe I didnt read this all this time. GRRR

PS: I'm mad at you for not pushing me to read these parts

3L said...

LOL! : ) I'm so glad you finally cam around and read it. I'm not about making people do something that they don't want to but I was so hoping you would read it anyway.

Thank you.